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“They love me, they love me NOT”

Why this title? Because we ponder upon this fact so often, that this phase decide our moods and actions.

And I don’t know what has made me penned down the most common and changing relation of Humans- “Friendship”.  Damn it! Am I again feeling lonely? For that matter I would start believing what I never wanted to! Like not being in contact with someone for months; and redeveloping the original phase I had with them- the scariest part of my life! I just don’t know how to keep relations. For me, being in contact is not something I define to be my “Friend”, but something very deep. May be old-fashioned. If someone tells me I need to meet them daily, it would probably run hell out of me. That is just not me.

I have seen my dad’s group. They have shared their life together. Even they do not greet each other daily, do not take cakes to celebrate each other birthday, even though they unknowingly support at life’s scare and scarce time. So maybe I have imbibed that in me.  

In the world of social media, when you escape for a while from it for the fact that you need to concentrate onto something you wanted to achieve for so long, you feel disconnected. Disconnected because you don’t know what has had happened in his/her life. Disconnected because you are not part of their Facebook likes and comments, also now Instagram likes and comments. Disconnected because you don’t know the joke that is trending on WhatsApp group, disconnected because you are not part of “Fun Chats” taking place in that group. Sadly, thanks and virtual kisses, hugs go to that friend who commented to your post rather than the one who stood by you. Your life’s amazing moments are judged continuously by snap stories and pictures’ caption. Yes, I had been away from the evils’ all form for a while. Thank God, I don’t ever have a feeling of FOMO, which is quite visible among every individual. If I had then I would never be able to keep off of everything and start getting panic attacks. This “FOMO” is such a perfect word to describe the generation.

 Friendship is never an advantageous transaction. It is much deeper than that. Beyond all give and takes. Friends are those with whom you can unhide real you. Stop impressing someone who just doesn’t care where you are or what are you doing. Nurture and build real relations beyond WhatsApp Chats.  


  1. true that...

    But those people get virtual hugs and kisses for a reason. They are virtual...
    Real hugs and kisses are for people who stood by us.

    Whilst we publish our lives for other people to see (and judge), we area secretly waiting for that one person to see and tell us "Chal na be! I know you well enough..." we know that they know we know they know.. ;)

    Whilst our daily life is full of shares, likes and comments, we know that the other half of ours will understand the sarcasm in our otherwise polite replies.. :D

    Virtual life is called virtual for a reason. It can never be real.. Like us. XOXO :D Consider these real... Till we meet again.

    P.s.: Why do you wait for unexpected? Wouldn't that make it expected? :P


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