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Wanna Give Up Something- Expectations!!

Whoosh!! 2013 ended. On a personal front, its been a good year of course if you average it out. Learnt a lot; be it professionally or personally. Lots of memories I made, but became necessary to forget some. Finally today is the first day of the New Year. Time for some resolutions!  I have actually never believed in making resolutions because I end up failing on the same. Be it making a promise (I hardly fulfill it), studying hard like never before (: P was a joke), waking up early in the morning and going for a walk with Dad, not bunking classes: D, etc. I am bad at it. Everyone would be actually. 

But on the contrary, I have FINALLY (please put a stress on this word) decided something. I don’t know if it will work out or not. I am in the coming year not going to “expect” anything from anyone. I know it’s totally impossible to eliminate it though I can reduce it. Expectations have both positive and negative connotations. Well everyone has heard about a common saying that Expectations always hurt; so one should stop expecting. But how many of us have actually succeeded in the same. I have always end up doing that from many people in my life. And results as you know it doesn’t work out. I mean world cannot run the way you want. You need to understand that you are just a part of it. People’s life cannot turn around according to your wishes, anger, etc. They have their own minds and probably can’t just work as you say. But I suppose everything you want from people will come at proper time.

I know that is not at all easy task. It’s common that every human expects something from someone they love or the person whom they are very close. But at times we get hurt when things really go wrong and when something happens across our expectations. It’s quite common these days. Because when you have so many closed ones around you, be it your mom, dad, sibling, best friends, etc., you just cannot stop expecting something or the other out of them. But it’s important to get a closure (suggested by a friend) otherwise it will cost you. Trust me, if you don’t expect then life will be full of surprises. Enrich yourself with love and patience. Life is much simpler when you understand the things. Finally don’t go behind the one who doesn’t care. Stop expecting. I have finally realized that I need those people who actually need me and I have nothing else to offer them but myself.
“We are not alone. The world is changing and we are part of transformation. The angels guide and protect us.” –Paulo Coelho


  1. Wow our little princess - less often but every time you write, we are left dumbstruck at your way...

    This time is no exception! Hope you're able to achieve your "finally" decided resolution!

    And yes, expectations do hurt, but we should not stop expecting, rather we should expect wisely...! (Eg. we can't expect an apple from a mango tree! Learn to identify who's who!)

    Keep writing cuz we are expecting... ;-)

    1. Hehe...that was cute really...(princess) :-p... i have learnt that from you.. from just a sentence you make people understand a lot.. thank u so much

  2. I am fully agreeing with your view. But there is one principles behind this. "if you want to achieve something, you need to put efforts, no one else can help you to achieve it. Success is not of dependent person" Eg. 1fake coin can run with the help of some original coins. As fake coins doesn't have its own strength. They can not run on their shoes. On other side original remains original and doesn't need help of others to run...we need to choose whether want to be original or fake... Dear meet also right in his saying,,,in our social relationship, we should expect something from counter part otherwise relationship will not be real. It's just only the connections which can be unplugged at any movement like face book and other social networking of achieve your goals...keep in mind originals will only win.

  3. aha..! difficult resolution u have passed...sorry i just checked minuts of resolution in d april end...:D finalisation yar..i wish i could make d same tamara mate kaik tme double kro bus...:P nice words...

  4. True, but as I said, expectations come along with the growing relationship! Which plays the devil's part in it!


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