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Good Morning Ma’am!

“A week in Mumbai”; with this shock I confronted myself. 3rd outstation in 3rd year of Internship. And yes I was the senior of two of us going for the office trip. A part of me was excited and a part of me tensed. And there was responsibility on me. The 1st one probably to catch train on time, followed by reaching the right destination. Finding a lesser known destination is toughest in Mumbai.

The time came. My train was scheduled at 10. Things were going on right! And I arrived on time despite the not-at-all expected rains in the month of May in Ahmedabad. But to my relief because of the rains the weather turned so good. And the journey started. Upper berth and book to provide me comfort, with cell phone; enough for whole night. Only a few more hours until I was there. The night passed by with hardly 3 hours of sleep and the station arrived. I was half dead by then with 8 hours of journey. Finding transportation is not a difficult task in Mumbai even at wee hours. The city never sleeps. Arriving in Mumbai, it feels suddenly life is so chaotic, but not bad. I hired a taxi and reached near destination from where we were supposed to stay. But finding that guest house was tedious job. Again here, Google Maps do magic (can’t imagine life without Google). After 15 minutes of walk I finally reached the guest house. I was so tired and 90% dead that I went straight to the bed and slept. I was supposed to reach the workplace around 10. It was 8.30 and still it felt like that comforting bed was pulling me. I was frustrated out of that train journey, taxi, walking, empty stomach, etc. With that little courage I decided to get ready and ordered a tea without which my day is incomplete. I had that hope that at least a good tea would make my day. And then tasting the tea I felt like puking instead. Horrible. And I was again destroyed.

I just closed my room’s door in anger leaving the tea as it was. And then while I was walking towards the exit gate of pent house the watchman shouted “Good Morning Ma’am, hope you liked the room and you hadn’t had any troubles coming in here. If there is anything bothering you, let me know; have a nice day ahead!” he told with a big smile. I don’t know but why I was so happy by this man wishing me and smiling at me. These are may me lesser known feelings inside us. There are little, but so perfect. They come at right time which makes your day.

Ending on note, with this personal experience, stay happy with these little joys. Laugh carelessly, think about whatever is good. Because it’s those simple things in life that are extraordinary. 


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