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I owe it to ~ 2016

There are times when my heart wanders in all direction. Today is such a day. There is some kind of music playing in background. My eyes are gazing on the wall. Thinking of past few months. Yes, time flies by. And so do people. A part inside me is really pissed.

17th January. So here is the thing about results. It feels like no matter how hard you work, some things aren’t in your hand. My other side questions myself “Had I given by 100%?” I regret nothing in life, but this sick feeling makes me regret that what if I just stopped my distractions those 5 months and gave everything to my exams! I felt like wrapping myself inside a blanket and sobbing around. This intense feeling hurts because I had never faced any failure before. I believe these circumstances define you. You think that even if there are closed to 500 people in your contact list, you don’t even know whom to call. Immediate sudden thought which strikes what would world say? Phone calls during such times seriously makes it worst.

And the other thing is about people. People close to you; no matter however good your intentions be, things go wrong. It feels closed ones even want to prove you otherwise than the things you meant. I know sometimes my instant reaction spoils everything. But we know bad time doesn’t last and it teaches you a lot. 2016 has taught me a lot. Eager and nervous to see what lies ahead. 

The thing I learned; change your belief, state of mind and cross the worst failures. Cross those obstacles and hope for the best. Try to go to better place in your lives. Appreciate little gestures. Journey may be very scary but yet full of hopes. Give your best when you get second chance and give another to the one who deserves. Don’t try to fix things, don’t run after, wait, go with the flow. And so every year I grow may be too soon for 2016. Yes, I owe to this year. 


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