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Hum Tum

Part 1

That day, she was frequently checking her watch. The time seemed paused. She was desperately waiting for someone. Finally the big day in her life had come. Only because she was to meet someone special whom she has had only chats and talks on phone. She never thought she would meet him in her life and that he would hold the most special place in her heart. Finally her patience ended. No longer could she wait. She had to pick him. For the first time he had come to Ahmedabad just for her.  She sighed and finally decided to give him a last call.

The phone rang.

Boy, ‘Hello’. Girl, ’Where did you reach? It’s already 10.45 am. Should I leave now?’

Boy, ‘Yes, I will reach in 15 minutes. So you may leave.’

Girl, with all the excitement in her voice, ‘Okay, inform me when you reach. Bye!’

The phone cut.

That day, he continuously thought about her. Though he was too tired to get up at 7.30 am and come to Ahmedabad to meet her, the excitement of meeting her was enough to get over all the tiredness. He continuously thought, ‘Would she be the same cute as she looked in all her pictures?’ ‘What we both will do as we are meeting for the first time face-to-face?’ ‘Will I be able to speak anything or will just be blank?’ These thoughts buzzed around his mind. He left his hostel with chills in his stomach. Even while on his way his thoughts couldn’t stop. She had called at least 10 times just to assure that whether he was safe. There was not even a moment when his mind was not filled with her picture, her smile.

On the other side; she stood before the mirror for 2 minutes to check whether she looked perfect. Gave a smile seeing herself in the mirror, blushed a little and left the place. The roads appeared empty to her. All around, she could think of only a face. As soon as she reached the place where boy was going to come, she checked her phone if there was any call from him. But to her fate, still no calls. She decided to visit the near temple meanwhile. She removed her sandals out and entered temple. Within blink of an eye the phone rang.

Boy, ‘I reached. Now tell me the landmark.’ Girl, ‘Yes, Tell auto uncle to drop you near Bata showroom.’

Boy, ‘Ok. See you there baby.’

Both of their heart beat at double pace. She within 5 minutes went in the temple and prayed and then waited. Her eyes constantly on nearby Bata showroom seeing every auto passing by. He came out of auto and his eyes glancing around to find the face he was waiting to see. And finally the eyes met. She waved a Hi! He total blank just stared at her. She ran across the road and without a thought gave him a big hug. He just smiled and couldn’t utter a word. Both just looked into each others eyes and that felt to be the best moments ever.

[End of Part 1]

 P.S The Boy was Girl’s Brother’s Best Friend. They met two years ago at the age of 18. No plans to be in contact or to be friends. They never talked or met again. Her brother this year after her 20th birthday reintroduced him to her and they started talking. This time they met for each other. Wait for Part 2.


  1. Omg! ♥
    Wow I wanna tell so much but im gonna finish it by telling u it was beautiful...
    The lucky girl ;) m waiting for part two

  2. Wowww.......amazingly penned....:-):-)

    M also waiting fr part 2...;)

  3. waow amazing pranju bt it sounds a lil known to me.....i loved it....Part 2 egarly awaited....

  4. Waiting Dr....Post as soon as possible...!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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