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Life Lessons~~

Funny, how a random stalking on someone’s profile can give you a hope. Yes, it did happen with me. My routine starts with listening to the voice of RJ Dhvanit. Amdavadis would easily connect to what I am saying; his daily “morning mantra” is so divine and teaches you everyday a new thing. So the problem is with me that I have developed a crush towards his voice and now subsequently for him. Odd, isn’t it? For the reason I haven’t ever met him in person, yet I secretly like him. *blushes* I was reading his bio from Radio’s website and the sentence “Remember- this too shall pass” captured my attention.

Have you ever felt a failure or a pain that is so intense that you just want to pinch yourself and pray to be just a nightmare? Or happy moments that you could forever freeze and continue your life forever to be like that? I do. And I cry. Both out of happiness and pain. Failing in Chartered Accountancy Finals twice; I have had lost all my hopes. But thankfully, I have my parents, my friends to support me during my worst. They reminded me of my successes till now; for that is very important to remember that it’s not The End and you are equally capable like others. And that is what motivated me to go on. Every thought, form, feeling, situation in life is temporary. It is so comforting to actually know that your sadness will have an end. And you will be laughing off on the past situation that how stupidly you used to panic. And it’s a treasure to also remember that while you are happy, to make most of out of that happy feeling. Your every moment of happiness is so precious.

“This too shall pass”- this thought itself gives me strength to carry on and wisdom to enjoy what I have.

You might think that today is best or may be worst day of your life, but just keep going, keep moving. It would eventually get better. 


  1. Ya nice, CA part is tough but we have to look differently now as I am facing the same situation as yours :)


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